Transforming Couples Lives

Posted on Mar 10, 2016 in Featured


couples therapy

“Before therapy, no one could have convinced me that talking with my wife about my affair was even possible, much less useful. I was adamant that talking about it was nowhere I wanted to go. I now know that it is the talking that allows for the healing. You have taught us to do that, to use our words, ‘safely’ and ‘intentionally’.”

“Leslie, with incredible grace, patience and skill, you helped two deeply hurting souls, trapped in chaos and grief, navigate our inner and relational worlds in ways that allowed us to start to mend our own wounds and tend to those in our relationship. We know that this is not the end of our work and that we are only at the early stages of a lifelong journey of discovery and understanding about ourselves and each other. But unlike before, we are excited about the journey itself and confident the work will take us even deeper, but not down.”

R & C

“We came to Steven during a time of real crisis. I’m certain our relationship wouldn’t have survived without his warmth and compassion, perfectly balanced with his therapeutic skill and professional insight. Steven has a seemingly bottomless well of ideas and support, but he never took over or left us feeling like we weren’t able to manage. We’ll always be deeply grateful to him.”

TM & HS, Newcastle

Happy senior couple having fun with a modern smartphone - Concept of active elderly and interaction with new technologies - Travel lifestyle without age limitation

“My husband and I started counseling with Steven with some apprehension as to how one person could stay neutral yet affirm and validate two people in the same room with very different viewpoints and needs. Steven listens. And he teaches us tools to listen to each other better. Steven validates. And he teaches us tools to validate each other better . Steven encourages. And he teaches us to encourage each other better. I don’t know how one person can make two very different people feel understood and safe. But that’s exactly what Steven does in each one of our sessions together. We are so grateful this man is on our team.”

B and L, Freeport, ME (married 30+ years)

“I’ve been in a lot of therapy and I’ve never been able to shake any of my feeling of inadequacy before this work. It gives me goose bumps.” “The work we’ve done with Leslie is more important than all the individual work I’ve done over the years. To work in the context of my life, makes the therapy real. When my partner understands that most of what I am going through is about being triggered about unresolved stuff from childhood he can be supportive and compassionate because he understands it’s not about him. That makes us both feel better.”

T & S Readfield, ME

“Before therapy, no one could have convinced me that talking with my wife about my affair was even possible, much less useful. I was adamant that talking about it was nowhere I wanted to go. Because of our work with Leslie, I now know that it is the talking that allows for the healing. You have taught us to do that, to use your words, ‘safely’ and ‘intentionally’. We are immensely grateful.”

M & L Freeport, ME

couples therapy testimonials“You have no idea how much you have helped us feel more connected.”

“If we are willing to admit it, we knew a lot about what was troubling us some where in the back recesses of our minds, we just weren’t talking about it. It was too scary. With Leslie, we are learning to talk about these things skillfully and to stop hurting each other. What is really surprising is the sweet pleasures we are now sharing that I would never have let myself believe before.”

A & G Durham, ME

“You don’t have to have marital problems to come here. Everyone should come and learn.”

“This is the first time I’ve been really able to open up my eyes and see inside myself. What I’ve learned and gained is huge, enlightening. I understand now where my inner chaos comes from and now it’s easier to be me. I know better what I need. I’ve never felt content in my life or grounded. I now know how to make that happen. I have a sense that it is attainable to feel connected, at peace and happy.”

M & J Kennebunk,ME


“Only with this work, have I found the switch that allows me to shift from being reactive to real listening. The switch helps me to face my awkwardness and fear. I’m finding the wisdom to know, it’s better to be committed to that (real listening and enduring the subsequent awkwardness and fear) than to repeat what obviously doesn’t work.”

S & D Bangor, ME

“I’ve never been in therapy before and I didn’t want to come. This isn’t therapy. It’s a shot of B12 into our marriage. It’s an energy thing, an awareness thing.”

R & E Topsham, ME

If you have worked with one of us and would like to submit an appreciation or testimonial for this site, please send an email to one of us. All quotes will be de-identified unless you would like your initials or town listed below your quote.